For too long, parents have focused their attention on their child’s intelligence quotient, i.e. IQ as the primary benchmark for scholastic success. Educationists all over the world are now convinced that the emotional quotient, or EQ is by far the more essential component for academic achievement. Students have many types of intelligence within their EQ, learn and understand uniquely, need different learning techniques to apply the knowledge gained and maximize their potential.The strengths and talent of a child can only be assessed by an evaluation of the subconscious. We provide an elegant answer to this, designed by a renowned psychologist in India. Please join the thousands of parents and students who have who have benefited immensely from this special method of personality profiling and assessment.

Children have what is known as multi-intelligence, but only one or more of these learning skills is predominant. e.g. in art, science or mathematics etc. When an essential area of intelligence is lacking or missing, he or she suffers low self esteem and frustration. This leads the child becoming unmanageable as they are in search of their identity. The root cause of all behavior patterns lie in the subconscious, and are a result of the effect, sometimes traumatic, of people, places and events throughout childhood. These become subliminal fixtures that shape the personality of the child for the rest of their life.


Emotional Intelligence is all about channelizing emotions in a way to achieve preconceived results. It is the ability to understand, evaluate, regulate and employ a student’s emotions to maximize our productivity, inter-personal relationships, and self awareness. Every students has a unique personality that thinks & understands what is being taught in totally separate ways. Each has multiple inborn intelligences that require and respond to different learning techniques for personal development. This must be done as early as possible to assure academic success.


An accurate assessment of the Emotional DNA of a student is essential to enhance his or her academic development. This is important for parents as well, as it ensures their child achieves the maximum potential possible in order to achieve their career goals in the most successful manner.