For parents, teachers and school counsellors. Our amazing new approach will enhance your child’s multiple intelligence and learning abilities. This is done by mapping the child’s intellect with a proven test used by leading psychologists across India. A certified psychologist’s report will highlight the child’s strengths and weaknesses, analyze areas that need prevention and intervention and provide a road map for career development.

One of the reasons for emotional problems is addiction, be it alcohol, drugs or social media. This is either the precursor or the aftermath of depression and academic stress.This is not only the inconvenient truth but a fact of life.

Clinical counselling is needed to address mental and emotional problems, and typically prescription medication is the remedy. Often, this in itself becomes an addiction and is NOT the answer. Unfortunately, in many cases the parent is unwilling or unable to afford the cost of a good psychologist. A simple emotional profiling test will provide the basic understanding of the areas of concern needing immediate attention and for further recourse as may be needed.

It is essential to have an assessment report for any effort in child behaviour management. The evaluation is done in complete privacy and alleviates any concerns that the parent or child may have when seeking professional help.

Based on the report, a parent can then provide the needed guidance themselves, or seek professional counselling. We have reputed psychologists on our panel that can provide such assistance as may be needed.